Our HorrorHound Weekend Cinci 2014

Once again we have made our annual 5 hour pilgrimage to Cincinatti.To attend our favorite horror movie convention.
Below are some of the pics that we snapped while we were there.

Tucker & Dale vs Evil

Alan Tudyk
Here is Alan Tudyk signing our Tucker & Dale vs Evil Poster.

Alan Tudyk 2
He was awesome! He was not your average celebrity, He was a little nuts.

Alan Tudyk 3
Alan had the best banner above his table. Everyone had big banners and this was his.

Tyler Labine
Here is Tyler Labine posing with Tammie.

The Evil Dead Cast

Hal Delrich
Hal Delrich.

The Ladies of The Evil Dead

Ellen Sandweiss & Theresa Tilly
Ellen Sandweiss & Theresa Tilly.

Betsy Baker
Betsy Baker.

Other Clebs

dave sheridan1
Dave Sheridan signing our Devil's Rejects poster.

dave sheridan2
Here is Dave Sheridan posing with Tammie.

john kassir1
John Kassir aka The Crypt Keeper signing our Bordello of Blood poster.

john kassir2
John Kassir posing with Tammie (is that the Crypt Keeper peeking over her shoulder?).

The Costume Contest








